About 8.3 crores new voter voted in the last Lok Sabha elections, myself being one among them. So, as far as I learnt and know about the recent past of the Congress party, I would say it would be hard.. very hard for resuscitating the party once again considering Rahul Gandhi’s resignation as well. Rahul Gandhi has been the President of the party since quite some years, but now he finally decided to step down after his resignation letter was turned down by the working committee some months back. The party has just lost its charms. With all those allegations of scam on several top class leaders of the party, and less or no improvement in the grass root level workers, have even deteriorated the places which were known to be the stronghold of Congress. The recent defeat of Rahul Gandhi in the hands of Smriti Irani indicates the same. There were several states where congress’s list remained null in the elections for Lok Sabha 2019. On the other hand, what I have seen in the case of...
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