The Modi government has recently passed the Bill citing 10% reservation for Economically Weaker Sections of general category on 9th of January, 2019 in the Rajya Sabha as well with 165 voting in its favor. Now, this has almost (awaiting final nod from the President of India) guaranteed amendment of certain acts in the Constitution of India, after which, its full potential can be exploited. The Bill will undoubtedly be helpful for a certain portion of population, but what is being questioned by everyone is its introduction timing and the political motive behind it. How will it help? Since a long time, demands were being raised for providing reservations to the poorer sections of the population that belongs to general category. Finally, a Bill has been passed granting the same. This seem to be a very positive sign as far as providing opportunity to the poors of a certain category are concerned. The one who is not enjoying any benefits of caste-based reservation sy...
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